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Mô tả ngắn: Template of Training course summary (Radiation Worker ) Nội dung đào tạo an toàn bức xạ cho nhân viên bức xạ trong điều khiển thiết bị đo hạt nhân NCS trong công nghiệp bằng tiếng Anh
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Chi tiết: Template of Training course summary (Radiation Worker )
1. Course title: Radiation safety training
2. Course’s objectives:
- Help students master the knowledge about radiation safety.
- Help students apply in their work practice
- After the course, radiation workers will know exactly what radiation work needs to be done periodically during the year, know how to ensure radiation safety for themselves and their facilities, and feel more secure when working in a radiation environment.
3. Course structure and content:
Session |
Session in detail |
Topic’s Objective |
Theory |
1. The Basics of Ionizing Radiation |
Students gain an overview of ionizing radiation |
2. Interaction of gamma radiation and X-rays with matter |
Students gain knowledge about the interaction of gamma radiation and X-rays with matter |
3. Radiation measurement recording |
- Quantities and units of measurement used in radiation safety: Irradiation dose; Absorbed dose; Equivalent dose; Effective dose; - Record X-ray radiation measurement, assess individual radiation dose; - Practice using X-ray radiation measurement equipment, instructions on using personal dosimeters. |
4. Biological Effect of Radiation |
- Mechanism of action of ionizing radiation on living organisms; - Factors affecting the biological effects of radiation; - Radiation damage. |
5. Protection against external irradiation |
- Hazards caused by external irradiation; - Protection against hazards caused by external irradiation |
6. Working principle of nuclear control equipment in industry, irradiation equipment, analytical equipment using radiation sources and related radiation safety issues. |
Students understand the working principle of nuclear control equipment in industry, irradiation equipment, analytical equipment using radiation sources and related radiation safety issues. |
7. Guidelines on ensuring radiation safety for the use of nuclear control equipment in industry, irradiation equipment, and analytical equipment using radiation sources. |
Students know what to do to ensure radiation safety for the use of nuclear control equipment in industry, irradiation equipment, analytical equipment using radiation sources |
8. Guidelines for ensuring radiation safety in the transportation of radioactive sources. |
Students know what to do to ensure radiation safety in transporting radioactive sources. |
9. System of legal regulations on radiation safety assurance |
Students understand the legal regulations on radiation safety assurance. |
10. Occupational and public irradiation control. |
Students understand Dose Limits for radiation workers and the public. |
11. Requirements for ensuring security of radioactive sources. |
Students understand the requirements to ensure the security of radioactive sources. |
12. Plan for response to radiation incidents |
Students understand the contents of the Radiation Incident Response Plan. |
Practice |
1. Instructions for the use of personal dosimeters |
Students know how to use the personal dosimeter correctly |
4. Who shall be trained:
- Employees in coal mining and mining plants use Cs-137 to measure flow and analyze ash on conveyor belts.
- Employees in the xi factory use a Cs-137 radioactive source to measure levels, a Cf-252 source to analyze online ingredients on the conveyor (CBX) and an X-ray optical analyzer to check the finished product. Part
- Employees in alcohol and beverage factories use Am-241 sources or X-ray generators to measure the level of beer cans and beer bottles in the canning and bottling line.
- Employees in nitrogenous fertilizer plants, refineries and petrochemicals use sources of Cs-137 or Co-60 in level measuring devices, density measuring devices, flow measurement in pipelines, in fuel tanks.
- Employees in paper and packaging factories use Kr-85 or Am-241 sources for quantitative measurement on QCS devices
- Employees in steel casting and rolling mills use Co-60, Cs-137 or Am-241 sources to measure the water level of steel in the casting mold, or measure the thickness of the rolled steel layer
- Employees in electronic circuit board factories in electronic industrial parks use X-ray equipment to examine boards and analyze Rohs toxin components.
- Security and customs officers use X-ray scanners
- Radiologist in medical diagnostic radiology, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine.
- ….vv…vv
5. Frequency of refresh training:
- Every 3 years, radiation workers must be retrained and supplemented with in-depth knowledge and new information on radiation safety.
6. Training methods:
- Offline or Online (depending on the actual situation before the training course is held).
7. Training materials:
Full radiation safety training program for radiation workers in the use of industrial control personnel (NCS), equipment irradiation and equipment analysis using radioactive sources
8. Training period: 02 days
Theory and practice:
- The First day: 8 a.m to 11 a.m; 1:30 p.m to 4:30 p.m
- The Second day: 8 a.m to 11 a.m
Competency test: 60 minutes
9. Equipment, tools and other necessary facilities: Computer, Projectors,…
10. Benefits from completion of the training course:
After attending the radiation safety course, students will know the knowledge about radiation safety and will be granted a certificate according to the form specified in Circular 34/2014/TT-BKHCN.